H&S Training Initiatives

WorkSafeBC has identified the Community Social Services sector in BC as a high-risk industry. People working in our sector are more likely to face violence, and overexertion as compared to the average BC worker. In addition, mental health injury claims are more common and frequently accepted by WorkSafeBC. The injury rate for our sector is 3.89 as compared to the industry average of 2.4. For people working in the residential social service sector that injury rate is 7.1. They are 3x more likely to be injured as the average BC workers. Nearly 30% of claims are due to acts of violence.* With that, the CSS sector has been included in their Health Care and Social Services Planned Inspectional Initiative


* Source: Based on data provided by WorkSafeBC as of May 2024

Engaging Community Social Services

The need for a best practice health and safety online training and education hub for the sector is both paramount and immediate. CSSHSA received funding from The Federation of Community Social Services of BC to develop a virtual training hub, providing essential resources for the industry. The Association’s Advisory Panel has played a crucial role in guiding this initiative and will continue to define metrics to ensure its success.

The initiative is focused on developing sectoral training for violence prevention, musculoskeletal injury prevention (MSIP) and return to work. 

The next steps for this initiative include engaging with the sector to understand the needs for the three priority courses, hiring a health and safety consultant for the project, and partnering with learning management consultants to develop the online training modules.


Contact us to learn more about our initiatives.

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