BOUNCEBACK® | British Columbia

Manage Life’s Challenges with Confidence and Reclaim Your Mental Wellness

At CSSHSA, we understand that stress, anxiety, and low mood can take a toll on mental well-being and make daily life overwhelming especially with the emotional demands involved in working in community social services. But support is available! In partnership with CMHA BC, CSSHSA is proud to promote BounceBack®, a free and confidential program designed to help individuals reclaim their mental wellness, build resilience, and regain confidence in managing life’s challenges.  

What is BounceBack®?

BounceBack® is a self-guided mental health program for individuals experiencing stress, anxiety, or low mood. Through structured workbooks, participants gain practical strategies to improve their mental health at their own pace. 


How it Works:

  • Self-paced learning with evidence-based workbooks
  • Confidential telephone coaching with trained professionals
  • No cost to participate
  • Practical strategies to manage stress, improve mood, and build resilience

For detailed information about the workbooks, download Workbook Descriptions.


Three ways to Access BounceBack®

1) Telephone Coaching:

Receive one-on-one coaching from trained professionals who guide you through self-help workbooks of your choosing. Over 4-6 phone sessions, scheduled at your convenience, your BounceBack® Coach will:

  • Provide encouragement and support

  • Help you understand and apply workbook strategies to your life

  • Keep you motivated and engaged throughout the process

To access BounceBack® telephone coaching, you need a primary care provider (e.g., a doctor, nurse practitioner, or other health and social service providers). Referrals from a walk-in clinic or virtual health clinic are accepted.

Telephone Coaching is available in English, French, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

Register Here

2) Online:

If you prefer a self-paced approach, BounceBack® Online gives you access to interactive workbooks, worksheets, and videos that teach you evidence-based techniques to help you:

  • Cope with stress, worry, and low mood
  • Improve emotional well-being
  • Build resilience and confidence
  • No referral needed

Sign Up Online

3) Today Videos:

If you’re short on time, BounceBack® Today provides a collection of practical video resources covering topics like:

  • Managing stress and mood
  • Improving sleep habits
  • Boosting confidence and motivation
  • Problem-solving and health living strategies
  • No referral needed

Videos are available in English, French, Arabic, Farsi, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Punjabi.

Watch Now

Take the First Step Toward Reclaiming Your Mental Health

If you or someone you know is struggling with stress, worry, or low mood, BounceBack® can help. Choose the option that works best for you and start your journey toward improved well-being today.

For more details, visit or contact CMHA BC at [email protected].


“BounceBack® has really helped me with understanding that it’s okay to ask for support, it’s okay to realize that you want to learn a different way of handling the situation. It was really life-changing for me, and it also showed me that I had a lot of strength in myself.”
– BounceBack® participant

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